Ralph Herring 2016

Posted: Sunday, 1st May 2016

The Ralph Herring race started in West Mersea at 0800 on 1st May 2016, initially with no wind when the committee boat arrived on station. A wonderfull sunny morning again, albeit a little chilly. It continued with no wind and it looked like a possible postponement situation. But right on cue in came 3knots from the west and with a strongish tide things soon got under way and the start was completed on time.

The fleet gradually disappeared from Mersea and watching on AIS made their way sometimes a little slowly up the wallet and round the NEG. As predicted the wind increased during the day from various directions but giving the fleet a good finish into the Crouch with finsh times about a hour shorter that Saturday.

Once agin the Sun was shining all day - so I hope plenty of suncream was applied.

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