Buckley Goblets 2016

Posted: Monday, 12th September 2016

The Buckley Goblets race started at West Mersea with a SW14/16knots breeze gusting to over 20 knots. So with only 7 starters there was one start at 0700 and by the time the Committee Boat was cleared up the fleet was almost out of sight.

In wonderful sunshine the breezy conditions continued and the race proceded at a reasonable speed. Unfortunately as yachts approached the Belgian coast everything changed. The leading Yacht "Oystercatcher XXXI" came almost to a halt with about 10 miles to go as the wind disappeared, so an early finish at about 1530 disappeared and a slow crawl to the finish line at 1653.

All yachts suffered the same fate with some stemming the tide within a boat lenght of the finish line waiting for a strong enough puff to get them over.

Last to finish was "Scorcher" at 2158.


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