Offshore Regatta 2017
Posted: Monday, 17th July 2017
The EAORA Offshore Regatta sponsored by MS Amlin took place over four days from Thursday 6th July to Sunday 9th July with three races from Harwich to Ostend, with a lay day in Ostend and then Ostend to Ramsgate and then back to Harwich, just under 200 miles in total.
Thursday’s early start for the Medway Yacht Club’s ‘Graham Wallis Trophy’ from Harwich to Ostend was a 75 mile course starting from the Harwich Town SC Beacon Hill Buoy. There was a medium breeze from the North East causing most of the fleet to beat to the NE Gunfleet & Long Sand Head buoys. The fleet’s progress slowed up throughout the afternoon as the breeze died away although a couple of squalls came through with 30-knot gusts causing some breakages. From the Twin buoy the wind had completely changed direction and the race became painfully slow for some of the slower class III boats, the fleet divided into two with the slower boats still out racing in the dark and only smelling the moules and chips, whilst the quicker boats were on their pudding and fourth beer!
Graham Wallis Trophy
1st - ApeX - Robert Leggett
2nd – Spirit - Paul Scott
3rd – Brave - Richard and Cathy Brown
4th - Rock Lobster - Nick Angel
Friday was a lay-day in Ostend to catch up after the late finish and a few drinks in the Cosy Corner with the prizegiving held in the Royal North Sea Yacht Club at 1800 hours - throughout the Marina, the fleet was seen flying their MS Amlin battle flags
On Saturday the second race was for the Medway Yacht Club’s ‘Cannonball Race’ from Ostend to Ramsgate was over 65 miles. The weather forecast was for North Westerly winds along the French/Belgium coast and then light Easterlies in the Dover straights. The seas were a bit lumpy to start with (as always) off Ostend harbour, which may have caught out a few late night party goers from the night before. It was one long beat along the Belgian and French coastline with a spinnaker finish for the slower boats. All yachts completed the course to arrive at Ramsgate early evening with a very friendly reception and prize-giving in the Royal Temple Yacht Club at 22.00 hrs
Cannon Ball Race
1st Eclipse – Des Cowan
2nd Charlie Don’t Surf – Dave & Adrian Gibbons
3rd ApeX - Robert Leggett
4th - Rock Lobster - Nick Angel
On Sunday it was the Haven Ports Yacht Club ‘Walker Challenge Cup’ from Ramsgate to Harwich with a 45-mile course. Sunday morning was lovely and sunny with a warm light wind from the south, a broad reach out the approaches to Ramsgate to Channel Buoy No 1 and then spinnakers set to head North. The course was through the Fisherman’s Gat and then up through the Black Deep channel to Harwich. With the wind now slightly stronger it was an enjoyable close reach up to Sunk Head Tower with blue skies, a warm wind, it was perfect sailing for all.
Walker Challenge
1st Charlie Don’t Surf – Dave & Adrian Gibbons
2nd Eclipse – ApeX - Robert Leggett
3rd Amazon – Eclipse – Des Cowan
4th - Rock Lobster - Nick Angel
After three days of great racing I would like to give a big thank you to our sponsors MS Amlin, the Race Officers on Blue Horizon Brian & Wendy Bolton from West Mersea Yacht Club with Mike Wallis & Ray on board from the Medway Yacht Club. Also a big Thank you to Tony Merewether with Amazon delaying his sail to the west coast to start the EAORA fleet at Ramsgate on Sunday Morning.
Paul Wood – Chairman EAORA.
Short Video taken from Yacht Brave at the Regatta.
EAORA Offshore Regatta overall results (3 races no discard)
1st - ApeX - Robert Leggett
2nd – Eclipse – Des Cowan
3rd – Charlie Don’t Surf – Dave & Adrian Gibbons
4th - Rock Lobster - Nick Angel
5th - Spirit – Paul Scott
6th – Alchemy – Edd Harrison
7th – Pinnochio 6 – B long
8th - Brave - Richard and Cathy Brown
9th – Magic Moments – Pelham Etherington
10th - Fiskardo – Paul Wood
11th – Zero Gravitas - Brooke, Landemore & Hooper
12th – Lyra of London – Miles Delap
13th - Golden Fleece – Mike Wheeler

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