Houghton Cup 2015

Posted: Thursday, 2nd July 2015

The Crouch Yacht Club's Houghton Cup was raced on Saturday 6th June from, Harwich to Burnham over a 44 mile course with 15 starters. In a blustery 16 knots from the west it as a two sail reach to the first mark off the Naze into the first of the flood tide which would take the fleet all the way to the finish. Class 3 was led away by Geoff Payne's J92 Jabberwock, followed by Duncan Ellis in his Dehler 32 'Salteezer', then Don Rawling in his first race in his newly restored MG34 'Skullduggery' close behind. Class 2 was next away with Amazon leading across the bay until overtaken by her Sun Fast 3200 sistership 'Dabtoe' in their first offshore Race with 4 young sea-cadets amongst their crew. Lastly Class 1 were unleashed with Oystercatcher powering away with the J133 'Assarain' and Adrian Lower and David Smith's Swan 48 'Snatch' not far behind.

From Medusa kites were flown to the NE Gunfleet with Dave and Adrian Gibbon's Everitt 31 'Charlie Don't Surf' seeing their's split in half on hoisting. 'Oystercatcher' and 'Assarain' powered through the fleet on this leg before the start of the long beat to Burnham. There was a small respite in the beat with a broad reach against the tide from Barrow 2 to Gunfleet Spit with assys's set to counter the building tide, with 'Snatch' blowing their kite and her chances on overall victory.

With the tide strengthening against the building 23 knot south westerly it was extremely uncomfortable with amazingly short and sharp chop which was difficult to pick you way through for the 25 mile beat to the Crouch Yacht Club finish line up the river and through the town in Burnham

Crews were relieved to finish in a reasonably quick race and dry out in the Crouch Yacht Club with the prize-giving and crew supper where a great time was had by all.

Houghton Cup Results: (top three)

1st Assarain IV – J133 – Angus Bates
2nd Oystercatcher XXX – HH42 – Richard Matthews
3rd Amazon – Sun Fast 3200 – Tony & Chuffy Merewether

Class 1
1st Assarain IV – J133 – Angus Bates
2nd Oystercatcher XXX – HH42 – Richard Matthews
3rd Snatch – Swan 48 – Adrian Lower & David Smith

Class 2
1st Amazon – Sun Fast 3200 – Tony & Chuffy Merewether
2nd Spirit – Sigma 38 – Paul & Claire Scott
3rd Charlie Don't Surf – Everitt 31 – Dave & Adrian Gibbons

Class 3
1st Cosmic Dancer – Baltic 37 – Russell Walker
2nd Skullduggery – MG34 – Don Rawling
3rd Jabberwock – J92 – Geoff Payne

For full results see: http://www.eaora.org.uk/results/houghton-cup-2015

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