Pam Yates
Posted: Friday, 2nd July 2021
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Pam Yates, who with her late husband Malcolm was a huge supporter of EAORA, notably on their Contessa 32 Fresh Herring and with Jock Smith on Tumblehome II
Pam, who was in her 80s, was a founder member of HPYC and will be remembered both as an enthusiastic long distance cruiser and keen offshore racer, as well as for the lively social contribution she made to the club from its earliest days.
With Malcolm, who died a few years ago, Pam owned first Together, a Contessa 26, then Fresh Herring, and finally Oberon, the Nicholson 43 which they purchased in 1983.
Malcolm and Pam were made honorary members of HPYC in recognition of the enormous support they gave the club behind the scenes, notably in organising regattas and other major events. They had created a very successful business together (hence the name of the first yacht) and had a long and happy marriage. They had no children, but countless very good friends.
Following Malcolm’s death, Bruce Parrott became Pam’s companion and sailing partner, and she was devastated by his death last year.
She was determined to remain living independently in the lovely thatched cottage at Brandeston that had been her home for 40 years. She was suffering failing eyesight, and last month suffered a fall which caused a fractured femur. She was back at home, and seemingly making good progress towards recovery, but on Thursday July 1, died peacefully in her sleep.
She was such a dynamic and popular figure that it is a comfort to know that she had such a merciful end. Our thoughts go out to her many friends. She is a very sad loss to the club and EAORA.
Funeral arrangements will be announced in due course.

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